Mr. Peter Normann Vangsbo
Executive Director, Innovation Centre Denmark at Embassy of Denmark in Korea
[Session 2 - Panelist]
Mr. Vangsbo is a senior Business developer and project management with more than 15 years of international experience in sustainable urban, energy, industrial and infrastructure development. Mr. Vangsbo is a specialist in air pollution modelling, climate change adaptation and mitigation, strategic sustainable development and the implementation of sustainable strategies. Mr Vangsbo has a long standing experience in carrying out reviews at industries with specific focus on legal environmental compliance, EDD and cleaner technology/BAT as well as experience regarding environmental permitting and IPPC.
Mr. Vangsbo experience has been achieved by leading major environmental impact assessment projects in the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Asia. He has chaired and participated in eight EU working groups, e.g. in relation to development of the EU ambient air directives and the EU emission inventories protocol.