Prof. Kim Pilju
Vice President for External Cooperation, Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, North Korea
[Session 2-3] Effect of Climate Change on Food Security and Sustainable Wetland (Marshland) Management
Great deal of researches has been carried out on climate change related projects and clearly demonstrated the danger of climate warming and its impact on global wellbeing, especially in the agriculture and biodiversity. Recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) summarized the current knowledge about the risks of climate crises. It also reiterated the need of urgent action to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius which was set for thresh hold temperature. In 2018, Paris Agreement was signed by over 200 nations with purpose of preventing global temperatures reaching 2.0 degree Celsius and reducing the greenhouse gas emission where they can be naturally absorbed by the environment but no tangible action had taken yet. Recent years floods, drought, frequent hurricanes and tornados, extreme heat waves, storms, uncontrollable wild fires are all negatively impacting to Agricultural productivity and environmental quality that hit hard on food security problems to the already vulnerable low to middle income countries and people. The impact is predicted greater to biodiversity loss and shift that we may need to discover new resources and/or relocate the adaptable regional food crops and biological resources. Marshland destruction in many countries for new farmland and/or urban development have been frequented in the past and is impacting climate crisis enormously for it is a very important natural absorbent for carbon dioxide and environmental balance. Multi facet action must be taken by public and private sectors, governments, NGOs, scientific and industrial communities but mostly every one of us should be aware and conscience enough to take responsibilities.
Pyongyang University of Science and Technology is the only private school managed by international effort in DPRK. As former Dean of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Current Vice President of External Cooperation my major effort is to extend the advanced research ideas, knowledge and skills as well as providing relevant tools, equipment and suplies to student and faculties. The school has five disciplines and does not have marine biology yet. We are, however, in a very good position to work with Marine Global Projects in the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences for we have well disciplined, very bright and academically excellent young men and women from undergraduate to PhD candidates absorbing knowledge like sponge and dedicated to research pursuance. Recently some local counterparts have shown interests on marine biology research as some North Korean business sectors are aware of importance of Marin products and trying to export gelatin produced from cultivated red algae.