
Session I

Prof. Francis Verpoort

Center of Environmental and Energy Research, Ghent University Global Campus, Korea

[Session 1-2] Fine Chemicals and Polymers from Seaweed and Algae Using MOFs as Catalyst


Environmental, economic, and political pressures are driving the search for commercially viable and sustainable feedstocks. In this respect, seaweed and algae are excellent sustainable resources. They accumulate high concentrations of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, which can be converted into biofuels and fine chemicals. Efforts to produce high value-added polymers and chemicals from seaweed & algae have seen intensive research over the past decade with attractive progress. However, extensive research is required to optimize upstream and downstream processes to offer a competitive alternative to existing commodities. For instance, by-products from the bio-oil production can be transformed into materials for fine chemicals and polymers. To date, few reports have been published on the use of MOFs for the polymerization of L-LA which can be obtained from by-products from the bio-oil production or from marine polysaccharides. Furthermore, the use of MOFs as a catalyst for the CO2 fixation in marine bio-products will be discussed.

Introduction of affiliation/ Relation to the Marine Global Project

Prof. Francis Verpoort is Full Professor at Ghent University Global Campus and is working at the Center for Environmental and Energy Research. He received several awards and recently became a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts; published >360 articles, several book chapters, has >20 patents, and forged scientific collaborations with academic institutions and universities across Europe, China, Russia, India, etc. His main research interest concerns the structure and mechanisms of organometallic material chemistry, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, MOFs and MOPs, Porous Organic Polymers (POPs), water splitting, olefin metathesis and its applications in fine chemicals and polymers, CO2 conversion, polymers. A particular specialism is the application of MOFs, POPs for catalysis, water purification and downstream upgrading applications.